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  • Writer's pictureJenna Misra

Use Your Hands

Do you ever get really antsy but don’t want to go anywhere or do anything too strenuous? I have this dilemma constantly. Sometimes a workable outlet for that energy is to do an activity that doesn’t require physically moving, but will keep you occupied.

My favorite thing to do recently has been collaging. Cutting things out of magazines and picture books is oddly satisfying and can alleviate that feeling of uselessness that sometimes creeps up if you’re feeling cooped up or haven’t left your house/apartment that day. The glueing part is kind of gross, but it’s worth it in the end. I always end up creating something I never could have pieced together by simply tapping into my subconscious. Playing with color, pattern, negative space, and flowing lines are my go-to when creating collages.

Painting and drawing are also workable. I do find that I need to be in a certain headspace to really throw myself into a drawing or a new oil painting. It takes a lot more creative energy, so I usually save these for a rainy day when I have some more time on my hands.

Writing is a fantastic way to use your hands. This could be journaling in whatever form; reflecting on your day, writing a poem, sketching or doodling etc. We increasingly spend much of our time writing everything on our phones and on computers. It’s a refreshing change to take a pen to paper.

Playing the piano, using a fidget toy, or even reading a book are a few more ways I’ve found to engage my hands and feel more at ease when I’ve been sitting around for too long.

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