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  • Writer's pictureJenna Misra

Frozen Lake Recreation - VT is Too Funny

Recently, the lake has been frozen solid, and people are majorly taking advantage. I’ve seen people walking, skating, snowmobiling, and even driving on the lake! I was unaware of this fact, but apparently any body of water in Vermont that freezes is technically a legal roadway. This is because too many Vermonters have been caught driving under the influence on frozen bodies of water and the state needed some way to prosecute them. What a strange thing to have to create legislation for!

If you’re going to venture out onto the lake, hopefully with all your faculties intact, there are some precautions you can take to make sure the you won’t fall through the ice. Clear black ice is the safest ice to be on. It freezes very slowly, meaning there is less oxygen trapped inside and it’s more dense. Ice underneath snow can be unpredictable because snow traps some heat. It might seem like common sense, but it doesn’t hurt to mention: ponds, and bays are less sketchy than rivers or areas on a lake where there’s runoff or a tributary. Additionally, objects that protrude out of the ice can make it less stable — like rocks or moorings. Places near marinas are also a no go because there might be bubbler systems present, which attempt to keep water from freezing.

If you’re like me and want to enjoy some icy recreation, these tips will definitely keep you above water.

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